Fitness Junction

Isometric Exercises

“The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second-best time is today.”

2023 is here! Don't let the inspiration of a new year go to waste.

This week:

  • Knowledge Corner: Isometric exercises

  • Monthly Challenge Update: January - The Two Day Rule

  • Meme Center: Pablo Escobar deals with resolutioners

Knowledge Corner: Isometric Exercises

Try using isometric exercises as a way to complement your traditional weightlifting routine. Isometric exercises involve tensing a muscle without moving it, and they can be a great way to build strength, improve muscle tone, and increase muscle endurance. Isometric exercises usually involve holding a position where the targeted muscles are contracting to the fullest extent possible. Remember wall sits? That’s an isometric exercise that would be a nice finisher for any leg day or endurance training. A few more isometric exercises worth adding to the end of your workouts:

  • Push-ups: Lower your chest to one inch off the ground and hold

  • Single leg-calf raise: Get on high as you can on your toes and hold

  • Bicep curls: Hold weight with your elbows at 90 degrees.

  • Pull-ups: Get your chin over the bar and hold

  • Lateral shoulder raise: Raise the weight until your arms are perpendicular to your body and hold

January Challenge: Two Day Rule

The New Year is time for new goals. But how do we actually makes our resolutions stick? Consistency is the name of the game and this month's challenge is about establishing that consistency. Pick a new habit you'd like to cement and for all of January, never go more than one day without doing it.

This is the Two Day Rule: Never miss a habit two days in a row. To learn more about it, check out this thread.

Ideas for this challenge: Do 20min of exercise per day; limiting yourself to a certain amount of social media per day, work on a new skill (language, instrument, craft, etc) for 30min per day. I have been struggling with keeping up my Spanish so my Two Day Rule commitment in January is to practice 30min per day on Duolingo.

Here's how I'm doing so far (absolutely killing it). Reply to this email with your ideas for this challenge (and pictures of you crushing it) and I'll share some of my favorites next week!

P.S. A client talked me into the infamous 4x4x48 challenge happening in early March. Learn more about it here and sign up if you want to join in on the suck!

Meme Center



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