The Fitness Junction

Dynamic Stretching

"The only time you lose at something is when you don't learn from that experience."

-Chuck Norris

This week:

  • Knowledge Corner: Dynamic Stretching

  • Monthly Challenge Update: 1000x KB swings in April

  • Meme Center: Stretch or...

Knowledge Corner: Dynamic Stretching

Remember when quarterback Dak Prescott was caught doing what appeared to be a ridiculous warm-up prior to a game? Well, what he was really up to was some dynamic stretching, which is what we'll be talking about today. The National Academy of Sports Medicine defines dynamic stretching as, "Use of a muscle’s own force production and momentum to take a joint through the full available range of motion." Classic examples that you'd likely recognize include high knees, butt kickers, and inch worms.

As opposed to static stretching, dynamic stretching is ideal for warming up. Dynamic stretches are useful for priming the body for work because they exaggerate the range of motion for movement patterns. This gets your muscles and joints working together properly. The motor neurons that control those movements get excited and ready to rock - increasing the efficiency of your neuromuscular system. Not only does this increase your flexibility, but a recent systematic review found dynamic stretches also increase strength in the hamstrings and quads prior to training.

Importantly, dynamic stretching has not been shown to have any negative impacts on performance (they don't tire you out significantly or cause your muscles to be too stretched out to maximize force production). Just another reason why they are well-suited for your warm-up. The key to maximizing the benefits of dynamic stretches is to start slow and increase intensity of the movement as you go. For example, if you're doing arm circles to warm up your shoulders, start with slow, small circles and progressively make the circles larger and faster until you're achieving the full range of motion for that joint. The point is to get your body moving through the full range of motion at the speed that will be required for your workout. So be like Dak and throw your hips into it!

There are a bagillion different dynamic stretches. When choosing the best ones for you, I recommend starting by asking YouTube. Search for dynamic stretches for the activity you want to warmup for (e.g. "dynamic stretches for running" or "dynamic stretches for deadlifts") and you'll get plenty of good options to check out. Or you could sign up for Natural Function programming and you'll get a customized warmup just for you 😎


Most of us probably saw Draymond Green (🤡) get ejected for stomping on some dude during an NBA playoff game last week. Seems he gets ejected more than anyone else, but does he actually hold the record for most career NBA ejections or does that crown belong to another?

  • A. Draymond Green

  • B. Metta World Peace (the artist formerly known as Ron Artest)

  • C. Rasheed Wallace

  • D. Shaquille O'Neal

  • E. Bill Laimbeer

April Challenge: 1000x Kettlebell Swings

Not where I thought I'd be with less than a week left but we'll finish strong. I plan to do 100 every day through the 30th. Swing till you drop!

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550/1000 swings done

Meme Center: Stretch or...

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Just 5min, you won't regret it!

Trivia answer: C. Rasheed Wallace (29 ejections). Draymond Green is tied for second all time with 17 ejections. The others: Metta World Peace (11), Shaq (14), and Laimbeer (10)

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