Fitness Junction

Temptation Bundling

“To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.”

-Steve Prefontaine

This week:

  • Knowledge Corner: Temptation Bundling

  • Monthly Challenge Update: January - The Two Day Rule

  • Meme Center: Squat rack or curling station?

Knowledge Corner: Temptation Bundling

Temptation bundling is a technique that involves combining a desired but potentially unhealthy or unproductive activity with a necessary but less enjoyable task. In other words, engaging in the things you should be doing (goal-related behaviors) while also doing the things you like to do (fun stuff). The idea is that by linking the two activities together, the desirability of the necessary task will increase and you will be more likely to complete it. This can lead to several benefits, including:

  1. Increased motivation: Temptation bundling can increase your willingness to engage in that task, making it feel less like a chore.

  2. Improved productivity: By making the necessary task more enjoyable, temptation bundling can increase your efficiency in completing the task.

  3. Better time management and self-control: Temptation bundling helps train your brain to prioritize necessary tasks and avoid procrastination.

There are multiple studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of temptation bundling as a behavior change technique: Motivation, productivity, and self-control have all been increased in a variety of settings. Overall, temptation bundling can help you to engage in healthy habits and make them more enjoyable. Here are some examples of how I use temptation bundling in my own life:

  • Workout in the living room while watching football

  • Adding healthy greens to a protein shake

  • Listen to podcasts while running/rowing/biking (could also binge Netflix)

  • Practice Spanish while drinking my first cup of coffee in the morning

  • Write a newsletter while watching football...


What was the fastest mile ran by Steve Prefontaine?

  • A. 4:03.7

  • B. 3:58.1

  • C. 4:00.3

  • D. 3:54.6

January Challenge: Two Day Rule

The Two Day Rule (never miss a habit two days in a row) continues to prove effective at keeping up good routines. The rule is a solid middle road between the lofty goal of trying to do something everyday and the unspecific goal of saying you want to do something more. To learn more about the idea of the Two Day Rule, check out this thread.

P.S. I had an interesting conversation with a friend who told me he was doing his own version of Dry January that he called, "Damp January." Damp January prohibits drinking Monday-Thursday. He then recommended fake beer, apparently a new trend, and said that it helped provide the satisfaction of cracking a beer at the end of the workday. Fake beers are sacrilegious in my book, but I told him I'd give it a shot and share my thoughts on the next newsletter.

Meme Center

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Trivia answer: D. 3:54.6. Before his death in 1975 at just 24 years old, Prefontaine had set new American records in every race between 2,000-10,000 meters. His last record fell in 2012.